Kristy Wang

Meet Kristy

Kristy Wang serves as the Leadership Development Committee Vice Chair on the Greenbelt Alliance Board of Directors.

Kristy Wang has more than 20 years of experience in housing policy and planning, land use, community planning and affordable housing development.

As a principal at Community Planning Collaborative, her consulting portfolio spans a range of projects — from providing housing policy, affordable housing, and community engagement technical assistance to local government to research and writing for nonprofits and foundations.

Prior to joining CPC, Kristy led SPUR’s work in community planning and housing through policy research, development, and advocacy. Prior to SPUR, she was a project manager at BRIDGE Housing Corporation. Kristy served on the board of Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation for several years, and she has developed and taught courses in planning, urban development and affordable housing at Stanford and San Francisco State. Kristy holds a B.A. in architecture and urban studies from Yale University and master’s degrees in city planning and real estate development from MIT.

Kristy and her family recently spent two years in Berlin, Germany, enjoying life in a dense city with ample public open space and high quality transportation.

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