San Jose
Why Free Parking is a Bad Idea
Joe Bonk
February 8, 2010
Comments for the San Jose General Plan Task Force meeting on Transportation
Michele Beasley
December 7, 2009
October 19th Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Task Force meeting on Green Vision
Michele Beasley
October 8, 2009
Notice of Preparation of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Update
Michele Beasley
August 21, 2009
San Jose council approves affordable housing plan
Press Clipping
December 9, 2008
Greenbelt Alliance Endorses New Affordable, Green Homes in Downtown San Jose
Jesse White
June 5, 2008
Envision San Jose 2040
Alex Chen
November 13, 2007
San Jose Diridon Station
Alex Chen
February 13, 2006
Getting it Right
Greenbelt Alliance
June 12, 2003