San Jose
San Jose’s General Plan sets the right direction for growth
Mercury News
October 31, 2011
San Jose envisions a better future
Jennifer Gennari
October 28, 2011
Report shows how cities can finance infill housing
Stephanie Reyes
October 26, 2011
UPDATE: San Jose Envision 2040 in final stretch!
Michele Beasley
September 29, 2011
San Jose Envision 2040 in final stretch!
Michele Beasley
September 21, 2011
Draft program environmental impact report for Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan
Michele Beasley
August 19, 2011
Joint letter on environmental impact report of Envision 2040
Michele Beasley
August 19, 2011
Message to San Jose: Don’t park over Almaden Ranch!
Michele Beasley
July 20, 2011
July Volunteers of the Month: Catherine Torres and Ben Dines
Lopa Pal
July 5, 2011
MTC considers new grant program to reward sustainable growth
Stephanie Reyes
July 5, 2011
San Jose City Council approves preliminary plan for ‘Grand Central Station’ of the West
Mercury News
April 28, 2011
New Partners in Planning San Jose
Greenbelt Alliance
March 21, 2011
Opinion: In San Jose’s Diridon area, lots of parking will not be a good thing
Mercury News
November 5, 2010
Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Beaubois
Sara Barz
October 5, 2010