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1 day ago

Greenbelt Alliance
What an inspiring night at our Hidden Heroes celebration! We're still buzzing from the incredible stories and achievements of our local climate leaders, Misti Arias, Lakshmi Rajagopalan, and Michael Brilliot.The night was filled with joy, inspiration, and a deep sense of community. We were moved by the powerful stories of our award recipients, who have shown extraordinary dedication to championing climate-smart plans and policies. Their efforts are paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable Bay Area.To everyone who joined us – thank you for being part of this journey. Your support amplifies the work of these remarkable individuals and propels our mission forward.Missed the event? Catch up on these inspiring stories in Daniela Ades' Hidden Heroes Blog Recap: www.greenbelt.org/blog/hh-2024-recap-community/?mc_cid=7399593269&mc_eid=071fede559 ... See MoreSee Less
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