Picture of Marla Wilson

Marla Wilson

Zip from San Leandro to Oakland in no time at all

Feel that? It’s the feeling that you get when decision makers do the right thing. On the evening of April 25, the AC Transit Board of Directors unanimously certified the final environmental impact report and adopted the Downtown Oakland-to-San Leandro bus rapid transit service in the East Bay.

This is a tremendous win not just for the more than three dozen speakers — Greenbelt Alliance Field Representative Marla Wilson included — who came out and testified in support of the transit project. It’s also an enormous victory for anyone who cares about fast and reliable East Bay transit service.

The project will serve as a demonstration project for the Bay Area, bringing hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars of private and public investment to the area and sparing the release of 1,900 tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year. Greenbelt Alliance was proud to join a vast coalition of more than 20 organizations supporting this transformative project. The next step is for the City Councils of Oakland and San Leandro to give the project their final stamp of approval. Email Marla at mwilson@greenbelt.org for more information.

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