Picture of Justin Ebrahemi

Justin Ebrahemi

Yes on Proposition L in San Francisco to Fund Muni

Greenbelt Alliance is thrilled to endorse a YES vote on Proposition L, also known as Fund the Bus, which is designed to increase funding for Muni and improve essential access to public transit, pedestrian safety, and equity for all of San Francisco’s residents.

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which runs Muni, is facing a deficit of over $239M annually, starting in 2026. Without a large new funding source, staff reductions will lead to service cuts. Prop L proposes to use revenue from a new gross receipts tax on ride-hailing companies in San Francisco, which could bring in $25 million a year.

According to the SF Chronicle, “These taxes would go directly to Muni and would be earmarked for keeping or increasing service levels and discounted fare programs” for youth, seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income residents. The new funding would prevent service cuts and improve Muni access to public schools, libraries, and the city’s green spaces. Learn more about Proposition L.

Why It Matters

By improving our cities’ public transit, we are helping create less car-dependent communities, reducing greenhouse gasses, and supporting San Francisco’s economy—while helping us realize our climate goals as a state.

Measure L presents an opportunity to invest in the transit system we need to meet our climate and equity goals, which is why Greenbelt Alliance is endorsing Fund the Bus!

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