Picture of Victor Flores

Victor Flores

Yes on Measure S in Pleasant Hill and Say Yes to Parks

A YES Vote on Measure S in Pleasant Hill will boost investment in the City’s park and recreation system and improve the quality of life for communities.

Measure S asks voters to allow the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District to authorize the sale of $77 million in bonds to fund parks maintenance and repairs in addition to the current operating budget.

Learn more at leasanthillrec.com/682/Measure-S–November-5-2024.

Why It Matters

Known as a great place to raise families, Pleasant Hill has the opportunity to invest  in its parks and recreation system for the increased health and enjoyment of current and future families. Many facilities are decades old and need to be repaired, for example, Pleasant Hill community pool is 70 years old. 

Measure S will help raise critically needed funds to maintain the Parks and Rec infrastructure such as improving hiking trails,  water systems, adding bathrooms, and more. 

Greenbelt Alliance adds our endorsement to those of Supervisor Carlson, Pleasant Hill Council Member Matt Rinn, and many other community members. We strongly encourage you to vote yes on Measure S and help maintain the precious parks that serve the community in Pleasant Hill.

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