Photo: Michael Fraley
Picture of Michele Beasley

Michele Beasley

San Bruno: Vote YES on Measure N

Greenbelt Alliance urges you to vote yes on San Bruno’s Measure N this November.

Below is the City’s ballot argument in favor of Measure N:

As with other Peninsula cities, San Bruno continues to recover economically. While things look brighter, the city must plan for the future. For several years, the City has engaged in a collaborative, inclusive, and transparent process focused on growing the local economy, generating new city revenue without taxing our citizens, while improving downtown and major transit corridors. The City has adopted a visionary plan for new homes, jobs, and shops in its downtown that will make the community a great place for decades to come.

Yes on Measure N is a vital step to accomplish these goals.

Also known as the Downtown and Transit Corridors Economic Enhancement Initiative, Measure N modifies city planning rules and development guidelines that were implemented decades ago. The main change is to slightly alter the height limits only along El Camino, San Bruno Avenue, San Mateo Avenue (downtown), and near the new Caltrain station to spur private investment. This slight alteration will make a huge difference for the city’s future.

Specifically, Measure N will:

  • Attract private investment to revitalize old and rundown buildings
  • Eliminate the blight of vacant stores, especially downtown
  • Generate new revenue for city services without raising taxes on residents
  • Bring new stores, shops and restaurants to downtown and El Camino
  • Make San Bruno more bike-, pedestrian- and transit-friendly
  • Create new public places, plazas and walkways
  • Require developers to pay for street, sidewalk, and parking improvements

This won’t happen all at once. These new planning rules and regulations will require a full public, transparent process with extensive environmental review for each proposed development. Additionally, eminent domain has been prohibited in residential neighborhoods.

Several years ago, San Bruno voters took the same positive step at the ballot by altering height limits for the Crossings Development across from Tanforan. That development has been a positive benefit to San Bruno.

Please join a large coalition of civic leaders, businesses, and homeowners in voting yes on Measure N to economically enhance San Bruno and create thriving neighborhoods for the benefit of its residents.

If you have any questions about Measure N, contact Mayor Jim Ruane at

Photo: Michael Fraley


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