Picture of Stephanie Reyes

Stephanie Reyes

Volunteer Spotlight: Andy Waggoner

In April of 2011 Andy Waggoner joined Greenbelt Alliance as a policy intern, eager to jump into policy development for Plan Bay Area, a regional plan to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions through planning for vibrant neighborhoods and smart transportation lines.

For the next nine months, he helped Greenbelt Alliance with everything from researching which Bay Area counties had the best records building affordable homes (San Francisco and Santa Clara counties topped the list) to developing indicators for successful greenbelt protection (things like “bushels of local produce grown in the Bay Area”) to community outreach for YouChoose Bay Area workshops.

Andy has moved on to a position with PG&E’s Generation Interconnection Services team. He will serve as a ‘one stop shop’ for people who are bringing renewable energy online, from small-scale rooftop solar to large wholesale installations.

Andy’s daughter, who will soon turn one, can rest assured that her dad is doing everything he can to make the Bay Area and the world a more sustainable place for her future.  Thanks, Andy!

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