Picture of Lana Russell-Hurd

Lana Russell-Hurd

Show Your Support for a SMART Rohnert Park

Greenbelt Alliance has been working with local partners to ensure the neighborhood plan for the area around the future Central Rohnert Park Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Station creates a vibrant downtown with pedestrian-friendly streets, urban green spaces, thriving businesses, and homes that are affordable at a range of income levels. Read our policy platform [PDF].

Help to make sure this vision becomes a reality—we need your presence and supportive comments at the City of Rohnert Park’s next public workshop on October 21:

Community Workshop Details

Date: Tuesday, October 21
Time: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Place: Rohnert Park – Cotati Library (Map)

Back on August 12, the City Council reviewed two conflicting proposals for this neighborhood plan, which covers 282 acres within central Rohnert Park. The proposal that we, and the City Council, are excited about envisions a thriving downtown neighborhood around the SMART station with a mix of retail, offices, homes, and green spaces linked together by “complete streets”.

The alternative proposal—presented by a developer—calls for a 330-unit development consisting of mostly single-family homes, townhomes, apartments, and only a modest amount of retail. This proposal would just encourage business-as-usual suburban development and would not create an active, thriving downtown neighborhood around the SMART station.

As this plan moves forward, Greenbelt Alliance and our partners will stay engaged in the process so that the City of Rohnert Park chooses to grow smart around their SMART station.

To learn more about the neighborhood plan, visit the City of Rohnert Park’s website or contact Lana Russell-Hurd at lrussellhurd@greenbelt.org.

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