Coyote Valley San Jose Deal
Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Win: Santa Clara County Votes Yes on Measure T

Update: Santa Clara County is celebrating a big win this election by passing Measure T to allow the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority to expand on its legacy of protecting thousands of acres of open space that provide clean water, air, and wildlife habitat as well as miles and miles of walking and hiking trails for people around the Bay Area to enjoy.

Measure T required a 2/3 majority to pass, and voters made it clear that they want to invest in open space protections with nearly 82% saying yes to T.

Greenbelt Alliance supported a Yes vote on Measure T, and we’re thrilled that the county has renewed the dedicated stream of funding for our partners at the Open Space Authority. Greenbelt Alliance helped pass the original Measure Q parcel tax that in its first five years resulted in the protection of 26,000 acres of open space including critical acreage in North Coyote Valley.

Now more than ever, with climate change and wildfire threats accelerating, it is essential to preserve natural and agricultural lands around our communities to provide open space, clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and wildfire protection. 

When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve found that open spaces are critical to maintaining mental and physical health when we are limiting our activities and interactions to avoid spreading the coronavirus. We saw more people than ever in our parks and open spaces—appreciating them in new ways. 

Taking the long view, and without raising taxes, Measure T will allow ongoing investment in open spaces, public trails, protections of streams and groundwater, and urban greening. All revenues are spent in the cities of San Jose, Milpitas, Santa Clara, Campbell, Morgan Hill, and the unincorporated portions of Santa Clara County. Measure T will continue until ended by voters who live in those areas.

Read more about Measure T here and learn about the grassroots team who worked to Pass Measure T today!

Passing Measure T in Santa Clara Valley is a big step in creating a healthier, more climate-resilient Bay Area!

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