Picture of Sara Barz

Sara Barz

San Ramon sends growth boundary expansion to voters

As expected, the San Ramon City Council voted 5-0 on Monday to place an item on the November 2, 2010 ballot that expands the city’s urban growth boundary to include 1,624 acres of the Tassajara Valley, opening the area for major development.

What surprised everyone was the amount of community members who came to show their opposition. The meeting room was packed and 15 of the 16 speakers urged the council to protect the Tassajara Valley by leaving the boundary in place. The Councilmembers also read emails urging them to “hold the line.”  The opposition’s participation was particularly important in shaping the press coverage, which will be critical to winning voter support in November.

Get involved in the campaign against urban growth boundary expansion into the Tassajara Valley. Become a fan of People Opposed to Developers Breaking San Ramon’s Urban Growth Boundary on Facebook. (Just click on “I like this.”) Fans can stay updated on the campaign and share information with other supporters and volunteers.

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