Picture of Kiyomi Honda Yamamoto

Kiyomi Honda Yamamoto

Questions on Coyote Valley’s Future in Scope for General Plan Update

On June 11th, the San José City Council, with the support of city staff, voted to include the long-term vision for Coyote Valley in the 2020 General Plan update discussion.  

Coyote Valley is San Jose’s largest natural and agricultural resource. It provides the region with filtered drinking water, flood plains, and offsets to greenhouse gas emissions. In the City’s outdated plan, Coyote Valley was targeted as an area for industrial jobs. However, market and environmental trends demonstrate the critical need to place jobs in the urban core.

We applaud the Council for making this important decision and encourage them to fulfill the City’s commitment to environmental leadership by protecting Coyote Valley in the General Plan. In addition, we also applaud the decision to consider changing some areas zoned for single-family residences so duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes of no greater size can coexist there.

If you have questions about Greenbelt Alliance’s work on the San Jose General Plan or are looking for ways to get involved, please contact South Bay Regional Representative Kiyomi Honda Yamamoto.

Photo: Yūgen via Flickr

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