Napa County Open Space Measure K
Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Protect Napa’s Open Space: Support Measure K

Napa County’s Measure K will generate much-needed funding to forever protect water, parks, and open spaces throughout the county. We need your help to spread the word about Measure K and ensure that all Napa County residents vote yes this March.

There are a lot of ways you can chip in to ensure Napa County’s Measure K gets passed and you don’t have to live there to help. There are several volunteer opportunities for folks to take part in, including:

  • Sunday 1/12/20 – Precinct Walk: Sutherland Park, Napa
  • Wednesday 1/15/20 –  Phone Bank Night, Napa
  • Saturday 1/18/20 – Precinct Walk: American Canyon
  • Thursday 1/23/20 – Phone Bank Night, Napa

Please click here to register for one of the above volunteer events.

Can’t volunteer at one of the listed events, but still want to contribute?

  1. Help us by following Measure K’s social media channels on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to share news about the campaign with your networks.
  2. Email friends and family to let them know that you’re supporting Napa County’s Measure K and they can too. Reach out to to get Measure K email and/or text templates.
  3. Endorse the Measure K campaign here.

For questions about the Measure K and to learn more about how you can get involved, contact our North Bay Regional Director, Teri Shore, today!

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