Picture of Marla Wilson

Marla Wilson

Oakland Planning Commission to review Broadway plan for first time in years

It’s been years–YEARS–since either the Planning Commission or the City Council in Oakland has reviewed the Broadway-Valdez Specific Plan on the agenda at one of their meetings. As you may recall, some had begun to question the plan’s future.

Fortunately, the plan is now chugging along again, and the Planning Commission will get an update from staff on its status at their May 16 meeting that begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The Commission will also vote on the scope of the environmental impact report for the plan at the meeting.

The moment has finally come, where decisionmakers will be in a position to move the plan forward. We have heard from City staff that they will then release a Draft Plan this fall/winter.

Please join us at this key meeting to speak up for the Better Broadway vision! Now is the time to show the Planning Commission you care about the future of the Broadway-Valdez district, before the ink is dry on the Plan. Contact Marla at mwilson@greenbelt.org if you’d like to see talking points from the Better Broadway Coalition for the May 16 meeting.

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