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Marin Independent Journal

Not suited for housing

Not suited for housing

The Greenbelt Alliance report, “At Risk: The Bay Area Greenbelt,” applauds Marin County’s open space protections at the same time it acknowledges the region’s need for affordable housing.

The report recommends, as do all sensible regional planners, that new housing be located near the Highway 101 corridor and SMART train stations.

I would ask the Marin Community Foundation how the Grady Ranch property in the far reaches of Lucas Valley meets those criteria.

Grady Ranch is several miles from Highway 101, and has no water, sewer, transportation, schools, services or other infrastructure.

It’s simply a silly place to develop housing.

Kathleen Gaines, San Rafael

To keep reading: http://www.marinij.com/opinion/ci_20713886/marin-readers-forum-may-26

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