Picture of Victor Flores

Victor Flores

No on Measure EE in Berkeley

When it comes to investing in a more complete and sustainable solution for Berkeley’s streets, Greenbelt Alliance urges voters to oppose Measure EE and endorse Measure FF this election cycle. 

Both measures propose a new parcel tax to raise funds for street pavement improvements. 

We appreciate that both measures set out to address the urgent issue of street and sidewalk repair in Berkeley but we believe that Measure EE does not adequately address Berkeley’s pressing need for sustainable infrastructure and safety improvements.

Measure EE’s lower tax rate will not generate the necessary funds to fully fund the street and sidewalk repair needs, leading to the continued deterioration of road quality over the life of the parcel tax.

Why It Matters

In addition to the reduced amount of funding, Measure EE significantly limits the ability to invest in bike and transit infrastructure beyond basic pavement improvements. Safe, multi-modal transportation is crucial for reducing traffic congestion, lowering emissions, and supporting the long-term health of our communities and dedicated bike lanes and bus lanes are critical to increasing the mode-share for these alternative transportation options. Measure EE’s limitations on new infrastructure, including cycle tracks and bulb-outs, fail to prioritize these forward-thinking investments.

Addressing the climate crisis is going to mean a significant shift away from cars and compact cities with homes, jobs and services like Berkeley are a great place for encouraging alternative transportation methods. Innovations like electric bicycles mean that biking is a great transportation option for even more residents, but they need to feel safe on the roads to create a regular routine. Measure EE will provide basic funding for repairs but misses a huge opportunity to invest in a climate smart future for the City of Berkeley. Learn more about why we endorse Measure FF.

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