Moffet Park
Picture of Zoe Siegel

Zoe Siegel

Moffet Park: An Innovative Approach to Housing

Greenbelt Alliance joined a coalition of groups including Bay Area Council, SV@Home, the Bay Area Housing Action Coalition, SPUR, and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group in providing comments to the Sunnyvale Mayor and City Council regarding the development of Moffett Park.

The letter highlights core principles on the environment, housing, transit, and the economy, urging the City to use this opportunity to craft an innovative approach to new neighborhoods, new housing, new jobs, and environmental resilience that responds to the climate crisis and the debilitating impact of COVID-19. Regarding the environment, the letter states:

  • The plan should fully mitigate the potential impacts of sea-level rise in the area, preferably through nature-based, multi-benefit solutions such as rain gardens and wetlands restoration.
  • Environmental plans should also include significant community benefits to restore shoreline ecosystems and waterways in the region as well as aspire to the highest standards of ecological design and development.
  • They should take advantage of the existing Baylands trails to increase access to outdoor recreation activities. 

See full letter to the City of Sunnyvale here.

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