Picture of Alex Chen

Alex Chen

Meet Patti Kenyon

Patti will keep you safe from the elephant sealsWhen ace outings leader Cristin Kenyon moved to Texas, we were sad to see her go. Luckily for us, mom stepped up.

Meet Patti Kenyon.

Patti is one of our South Bay outings leaders. In recent years, she has been volunteering as a docent and naturalist at Año Nuevo State Park, where she leads public tours out to see those plump Northern Elephants Seals. Patti has a Geography degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara and has passed on her love of science and the outdoors to her three kids. And it’s this passion that has led her to pick up the outings leader torch from her daughter Cristin. As a Bay Area native, Patti enjoys hiking and biking along the bay shore and mountains of Santa Clara County.

“Everyone should make a trip out to the coast this fall,” she recommends. “There are an uncountable amount of pelicans this year—also otters, seal lions, and harbor seals everywhere. We live in a beautiful place!”

Couldn’t agree more, Patti.

Patti is leading our November 23 outing, Pueblo Lands of San Jose.



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