Picture of Jessie Brennan

Jessie Brennan

Marcela Cardoza: A Green Path to Lifelong Skills

Marcela Cardoza is in her Senior Year (Class of 2020)  and has been working for Greenbelt Alliance under ICA’s Corporate Work Study Program for going on two years now. She has been a tremendous contributor and team player—so-much-so that we hired her separately from ICA over the 2019 summer period!  

After interning at a K-8 school in San Francisco as a teacher’s assistant and then at the San Francisco Veterans Hospital where she assisted the Office of the Medical Chief as well as medical students, Marcela landed at Greenbelt Alliance.

“This was a pivotal point in my work experience because it provided me with a sense of the non-profit sector and, for the first time, I actually felt like I was learning the basic clerical skills I needed for the real world.” Though each placement was different in its own way, Marcela is glad she’s been able to dive into a variety of work environments this early in her life.  

Photo: Invana Cajina via Unsplash

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