Picture of Whitney Merchant

Whitney Merchant

Live Local report: More housing options needed near Marin jobs

Driving Home Economic Recovery reportThe Driving Home Economic Recovery report, released today by Live Local, highlights the need for more affordable housing options in Marin County. Marin’s economy has shifted towards lower-paying retail and service sector jobs, but these employees cannot afford to live here. Housing is still being built in Marin, just not enough of the right type.

Every day, more than 61,000 people who work in Marin commute from outside the county, and every day they drive home over $1.4 billion in purchasing power. The report concludes that Marin’s in-bound commuters are driven away by lack of affordable housing, and that creating more housing choices for just one percent of them, or 610 households, would prevent $14 million in annual consumer spending from draining to nearby counties. Those new revenues would support 97 new jobs in Marin.Additionally, during the construction or renovation of 610 homes, Marin County would see another $28 million infused into local economies and 181 construction-driven jobs created.

“What is clear from the findings in this report is that Marin has within its reach the ability to strengthen our communities, accelerate job growth, and reduce congestion on Highway 101,” said North Bay Leadership Council President, Cynthia Murray. She continued, “And it’s feasible without putting all the strain on any one segment of our society. Our employees do not have to suffer long commutes, nor do our business owners need to miss out on revenue.”

Read more about the report here.
Download the full report here.



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