Picture of Ken Lavin

Ken Lavin

Volunteer Spotlight: Liz Watson

Our June volunteer of the month is our newest outings leader, Elizabeth Watson.  Liz, a resident of Concord, became a Greenbelt Alliance member after attending a Greenbelt Alliance outing on Mount Diablo where she learned of our involvement in the Concord Naval Weapons Station reuse planning process, which resulted in a plan that creates walkable neighborhoods, includes homes people can afford near BART, and protects thousands of acres of protected open space.

Liz was born in Canada, but spent many years in Southern California before moving to the Bay Area.  Liz is a special education teacher who works with developmentally disabled children in the classroom and well as in hospital and home settings.

Join Liz on July 28 for her next outing, Roaming Redwood Park.  Thanks Liz, for all you do!

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