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Greenbelt Alliance

Greenbelt Alliance Names Amanda Brown-Stevens CEO

A Message From Lynne Deegan-McGraw, Chair of the Board

Greenbelt Alliance addresses one challenge: how the Bay Area grows. It’s growth that makes us stronger and if done well, growth can enhance the places we love. I love this organization and as Chair of the Greenbelt Alliance Board I have the pleasure of announcing our new CEO, Amanda Brown-Stevens. Beginning April 29, 2019, Amanda will guide Greenbelt Alliance and the Bay Area into a new era of growth.

This role is a homecoming for Amanda, who played many roles at Greenbelt Alliance from 2006-2013. She returns as a nationally recognized expert on fostering resilient cities and towns while protecting the natural and agricultural lands around them. As such, she’s a perfect fit to lead Greenbelt Alliance. We have carried that mantle here in the Bay Area for over 60 years.

We are proud to welcome Amanda to Greenbelt Alliance’s legacy of strong, fiercely committed women and men—board, staff, and community—who have come together to make the Bay Area a more sustainable and inclusive place.

“Amanda’s ability to unravel political challenges and forge a collaborative path for a better Bay Area is much needed,” said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. “Her talent of listening while leading has helped her craft a strong vision for a more sustainable and inclusive region—a region we’re all proud to call home.”

Amanda rejoins Greenbelt Alliance after wrapping up her latest project—the Resilient by Design | Bay Area Challenge. This collaborative design challenge brought together local residents, public officials, and international design experts to develop innovative, community-based solutions to strengthen the Bay Area’s resilience to sea level rise. This experience has given Amanda a unique perspective on how our region can embrace climate-smart growth.

“Amanda Brown-Stevens is a passionate conservationist who understands the urgency of preparing our communities for climate change,” shared Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer of the California State Coastal Conservancy. “Her forward-thinking approach to resilience will be a great fit with the Greenbelt Alliance.”

The Greenbelt Alliance Board of Directors and Staff are energized and inspired by her creative vision for both the Bay Area and our organization’s future. Amanda will be reaching out to our supporters and the community in the coming months to share that vision and shape our future, together.

The first opportunity to meet Amanda will be at our Farms and Ranches Forever Fest on May 16 in San Francisco. We hope you’ll join us at this fun happy hour that supports local agriculture.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to your partnership as we usher Greenbelt Alliance into its next era. Together, we are shaping how the Bay Area grows today and for generations to come.

Photo: Brooke Anderson

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