Gateway at Millbrae Station
Picture of Joel Devalcourt

Joel Devalcourt

Greenbelt Alliance Endorsed: Gateway at Millbrae Station Approved

After years of delay, the Gateway at Millbrae Station was finally approved by the Millbrae City Council on March 14th.

This project will transform a vast BART parking lot into a thriving, transit-oriented community. It provides 400 new homes at the doorstep of both BART and Caltrain with 25% of the new homes permanently affordable, including homes for low-income veterans.

We are particularly excited that the final project has more homes than originally proposed (up from 376) and a higher proportion of affordable homes (up from 20%). It took a team effort—including moving stories from the many veterans who will be able to live in Millbrae. Greenbelt Alliance was proud to champion this smart project over many years. We hope its approval will inspire the wise use of our limited public land throughout the region.

Read more about our Endorsement Program and see more Greenbelt Alliance endorsed developments here.

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