Greenbelt Alliance Endorsed Broadway Plaza
Picture of Adam Garcia

Adam Garcia

Greenbelt Alliance Endorsed: Broadway Plaza Approved

Redwood City Council made the right choice on May 20th by moving forward with Broadway Plaza, a revitalizing project to the city’s Broadway corridor. MidPen Housing and The Sobrato Organization are partnering to transform an auto-oriented shopping center into a people-focused space mixed with new homes, office, retail, childcare and walkable public pathways intersecting across the project’s 11+ acres.

The five years of hard work and collaboration put forth by the developers, community, and the city has paid off in delivering a high-quality redevelopment plan that everyone can be proud to have helped create. The project brings a new identity to its streetscapes beside Woodside Road with new bikeways (Class II bike lane and Class IV separate bikeway), widened green sidewalks to treat half of stormwater runoff, street trees and a park in the center of the site while concealing nearly all parking.

Broadway Plaza comprises two sites with 400 market-rate residential units, 120 affordable residential units (23% affordability), 420,000 square feet of office space, 11,000 square feet of retail space, 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities, and 1.6-acres of publicly accessible space.

Community input was gathered over the course of a year and a half. Community outreach “office hours” were held twice per month at one of the vacant retail stores on the site. The developers held three community meetings to incorporate feedback and also met with both the local chamber and local neighborhood association about the project.

This diverse use in a dense urban setting is made possible by the city’s adoption of mixed-use zoning to create built environments where residents, workers, and shoppers can live, work, and play.

As a result of the careful planning and community benefits, Greenbelt Alliance was proud to give this project our endorsement. Learn more about our Endorsement Program here or contact our team. We’re here to help!

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