Picture of Michele Beasley

Michele Beasley

Get Healthy San Mateo County

This September, Get Healthy San Mateo County—a collaboration of community-based organizations, cities, and leaders staffed by the San Mateo County Health System—announced their four key priority areas for creating healthy, equitable communities.

These priorities are backed by countywide health and demographics data and were vetted by the community at a series of meetings earlier this year. The vision is to create neighborhoods in San Mateo County that are walkable and bikeable; where people have access to affordable homes, quality jobs, and good schools; and where parks and plazas are woven throughout the community.

The four priority areas are:

Healthy Housing

Key Finding: Over the last few years, rents have increased dramatically. As of March 2015, the median rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $2,702 per month, an increase of 46% from 2011.

Take Action: Support the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Housing Department, and city stakeholders in the launch of the Affordable Housing Task Force as an opportunity to advance county-wide solutions.

Learn more about Healthy Housing


Healthy Neighborhoods

Key Finding: Thirty-nine percent of bike and pedestrian collisions occur within a quarter mile of schools.

One Action for Residents, Parents and Youth: Support strong implementation of Complete Streets for everyone. Ensure that streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users—including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities.

Learn more about Healthy Neighborhoods


Healthy Schools

Key Finding: The percentage of 3rd grade students who meet reading proficiency standards is lowest in the Ravenswood City School District in East Palo Alto (22%) and highest in the Hillsborough City Elementary School District (89%).

One Objective: Children’s education is continuous, consistent, and not disrupted by unstable housing conditions.

Learn more about Healthy Schools


Healthy Economy

Key Finding: San Mateo County has a Gini coefficient of 0.46, which is one of the highest out of the Bay Area’s nine counties. This indicates that income inequality in San Mateo County is among the worst in the region.

One Objective: Small businesses are a vibrant and stable part of communities.

Learn more about Healthy Economy


Greenbelt Alliance applauds the San Mateo County Health System for their robust and tireless work to support healthy, equitable communities for all.

If you’d like to get involved with our work in San Mateo County, contact Stephanie Reyes.


Photo: Mike Liu via Flickr

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