Picture of Alex Chen

Alex Chen

A bright future for Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek is building a brighter future for its residents.

In October, the City Council approved plans for a cutting-edge transit village featuring 596 apartments, commercial space, and replacement parking in the downtown BART station parking lot. People will be able to live just steps away from BART and great downtown shopping. The new homes and shops near the station will also take pressure off local roads and open space.

The City is also embarking on an exciting planning process for “West Downtown,” stretching south from the BART station to Olympic Boulevard. This is a great opportunity to increase the vitality of this corner of town and provide more people of all income levels the option of living in a convenient neighborhood for walking or biking to local shops and taking public transit.

To support Walnut Creek’s new endeavor, Greenbelt Alliance recently led a group of city leaders on a tour of successful infill developments in Mountain View and Redwood City. The tour was made possible thanks to a grant to Greenbelt Alliance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Sustainable Communities to provide technical assistance to cities around the Bay Area. See photos from the tour below.

Greenbelt Alliance also collaborated with Sustainable Walnut Creek and others to coordinate Walnut Creek’s second year of participation in PARK(ing) Day. Our pop-up parks brought a dash of color and artistic creativity to the downtown crowd and provided passersby with a momentary escape from their offices. Aside from the great photo op (see our PARK(ing) Day slideshow below), we encouraged people to think critically about how we use our limited urban land.

Get involved in all the exciting things happening around Walnut Creek, contact Senior Field Representative Matt Vander Sluis.


PARK(ing) Day 2012 in Walnut Creek


Infill tour of Mountain View and Redwood City


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