Picture of Joel Devalcourt

Joel Devalcourt

Election 2016 Win: Alameda County Says Yes to Measure F1

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure F1 passed in the November 2016 election!

This measure authorizes a $250 million bond for repair and maintenance of local parks within the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD).

For over 70 years, the residents of Hayward, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo, Ashland, Cherryland, Fairview, and surrounding communities have enjoyed safe, clean, well-maintained parks and recreation facilities provided by HARD. Today nearly 300,000 residents live in its service area.

Measure F1 will:

  • Improve the safety, quality, cleanliness and attractiveness of neighborhood parks
  • Rehabilitate children’s playgrounds
  • Upgrade restrooms at HARD sites
  • Expand senior citizen and disabled access to parks and recreational areas
  • Create and maintain walking paths and bike trails
  • Renovate and expand parks, trails, and recreation areas
  • Preserve historic properties and sites

By improving the quality and safety of local parks and facilities, Measure F1 helps preserve our natural environment and improve the quality of life of our communities.

A broad array of organizations support Measure F1, including the League of Women Voters, Sierra Club, Hayward Area Planning Association, Alameda County Central Labor Council, and the Building Trades Council of Alameda County. It requires a two-thirds majority to pass.

Greenbelt Alliance urges everyone within the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District to vote YES on Measure F1.

Learn more: http://www.yesonf1forbetterparks.com/

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