Picture of Anu Dhaliwal

Anu Dhaliwal

Moving towards a smarter Sonoma County

Greenbelt Alliance is committed to promoting people-oriented neighborhoods and protecting the gorgeous open space in Sonoma County. We were instrumental in helping the County establish its urban growth boundaries (UGBs)—one of the most effective tools for combating sprawl. Sonoma is the only county in the Bay Area with UGBs around each of its incorporated cities.

More recently, we played an important role in getting the City of Santa Rosa to include sustainable features in the North Santa Rosa Station Area Plan, which was adopted in September 2012. This plan will help guide the development of what we envision to be a thriving neighborhood around the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) station.

In the coming months, Greenbelt Alliance plans to work with local leaders to help increase awareness of the recently adopted North Santa Rosa Station Area Plan. We are proud to be part of a diverse coalition of labor, environmental, and sustainability advocates who helped shape the plan. But now is the time to ride this wave of momentum and move forward to the next step: implementation.

Additionally, we will continue to show our support for a pedestrian-bicycle connector bridge over Highway 101. It will be critical for the westside landing of the bridge to be placed appropriately. Stay tuned for information about outreach events around this issue.

With the Cities of Cotati, Rohnert Park, and Sebastopol’s general plans set to expire, we’ll also keep an eye on those update processes. Cotati has already begun its update process and will need to renew its urban growth boundary.

We want to see Sonoma County transform into an even better place to live, so we have to be smart about how the county grows. Together, let’s create thriving neighborhoods throughout the county where people can walk to the grocery store, conveniently hop on public transit, bike to work safely, and afford to live in the place that they love.

Get in touch with Greenbelt Alliance’s North Bay Field Representive, Anu Dhaliwal, at adhaliwal@greenbelt.org.

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