Picture of Erin Munning

Erin Munning

Urge San Jose to pass the Habitat Plan!

Update (11/27/12): The San Jose City Council has decided to delay voting on the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan ahead of their Dec. 4 meeting. If San Jose ends up approving the Plan, the remaining partner—Valley Transportation Authority—will also approve it. We’ve come a long way, and it all comes down to how San Jose votes. TAKE ACTION and submit a letter to San Jose City Council members in support of the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan!

Update (10/11/12): The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and Santa Clara Valley Water District have both approved the Habitat Plan. Now, the vote moves on to the cities. Gilroy votes on Oct. 15 and Morgan Hill on Oct. 17. The San Jose City Council is meeting on Oct. 16 to discuss the Plan and are tentatively scheduled to vote on Oct. 23, but it seems the Mayor hopes to delay the vote for further deliberation. Stay tuned!

Over the next few weeks, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and the Gilroy, Morgan Hill, and San Jose City Councils will be deciding whether or not to adopt the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan. It is critical that we show support for the Habitat Plan to our elected officials. In development for over a decade, the plan will ensure the long term protection of 46,000 acres of precious habitat while directing urban development to occur within existing cities and towns.

JOIN US! We need you to come out and show your support for strong, comprehensive policies for open space preservation and streamlined, sustainable development in appropriate places. Below are some important upcoming meetings:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. — Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors vote (map)
  • Monday, Oct. 15 at 6 p.m. — Gilroy City Council vote (map)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 1:30 p.m. — San José City Council meeting (map)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. — Morgan Hill City Council vote (map)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 1:30 p.m. — San José City Council vote (map)

If you are planning on attending a meeting, please email Erin Munning and let her know. If you can’t make any meetings…

TAKE ACTION! Tell the County Board and your City Council to approve the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan. Let them know that you support strong, comprehensive policies for open space preservation and streamlined, sustainable development in appropriate places.

Click here to tell the County Board and your City Council to approve the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan.


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