Picture of Jennifer Gennari

Jennifer Gennari

Marin IJ: smart growth needed

The Marin Independent Journal’s editorial urges the Bay Area to adopt Grow Smart Bay Area’s vision:

“Conservation groups such as the Greenbelt Alliance support ‘in-fill’ development in Marin around transit hubs, primarily the planned stops for the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit passenger train.

“It makes sense to design residential and commercial growth around these hubs. That’s what the Greenbelt Alliance concluded in a new report, ‘Grow Smart Bay Area,’ which advocates a conservation model for accommodating future growth in Bay Area cities and counties.

“The report makes a good case for infill projects.

“By focusing that growth in areas served by transit, cities and counties can help reduce our dependence on cars and reduce car trips – our primary generator of greenhouse gases.”

Read the complete Independent Journal editorial.

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