Picture of Jennifer Gennari

Jennifer Gennari

San Jose envisions a better future

Despite struggling with budget deficits and a disappearing redevelopment agency, San Jose’s leaders are taking the long view; on Nov. 1, they approved an ambitious and bold General Plan.  Envision 2040 lays the foundation for San Jose to become a great, green city of the 21st century.

The plan includes important conservation safeguards: the Coyote Valley and South Almaden Valley urban reserves are off limits to development through 2040 and are recognized as wildlife corridors. Strong language aims to make San Jose more walkable and bikeable for all ages. And urban villages are proposed throughout the city that will make better use of existing infrastructure, provide built-in customers for local merchants, and lead to the kind of communities that attract Millenials and Boomers alike.

“This is really the end of one chapter and the beginning of another,” says Senior Field Representative Michele Beasley. “Now we’re going to ensure that what gets built reflects the spirit and intent of Envision 2040.” Residents, advocates and all who have followed this process for the past four years must come together to support San Jose in achieving this vision — transforming policies into thriving, attractive and healthy neighborhoods for all.

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