Picture of Sara Barz

Sara Barz

Sharing Strategies at Rail~Volution

Greenbelt Alliance’s Sustainable Development Associate Marla Wilson and Campaign Organizer Ellie Casson will travel to Washington D.C. to speak at Rail-Volution 2011. The annual conference brings together activists, business leaders, planners, and elected officials, from around the country to create a national movement to develop livable communities. The four-day conference kicks off Sunday, October 16.

Ellie will be discussing how interactive tools were effectively used at Greenbelt Alliance’s YouChoose forums to gather feedback about Plan Bay Area, the region’s effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Her panel, Playing the Game to Engage Communities in Transit Planning, is 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 17. More information can be found here.

Marla will be sharing successful bilingual urban outings she’s led as well as dialogues begun with members of San Jose’s Hispanic, Chinese and senior communities. Her panel, Community Outreach Strategies for Engaging Diverse Stakeholders, is 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19. More information can be found here.

Check out Ellie and Marla’s live Tweets throughout the conference @gbeltalliance. You can also follow @RailVolution for more updates.

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