Dear Ms. Nichols:
Thank you for your excellent work on the draft AB32 Scoping Plan. The plan is an exciting and bold step in meeting the challenge of climate change.
For the past 50 years, Greenbelt Alliance has been the Bay Area’s advocate for open spaces and vibrant places, supporting smart land-use planning at the city and county level. We appreciate the opportunity to offer our comments on the draft Scoping Plan.
Set a higher target for emissions reductions from land use
Greenbelt Alliance urges CARB to prioritize land-use planning and policies in the AB 32 Scoping Plan. Because the transportation sector is the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions in California, and because local land-use decisions play such a key part in fuel consumption patterns, land use must play a larger role in the Scoping Plan’s strategies for greenhouse gas reductions.
Keep reading this comment letter: 2008-08 Greenbelt Alliance Scoping Plan Comments