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Mercury News

Editorial: Development affects climate change

The trademark of the Bay Area’s Greenbelt Alliance is promoting open space and environmental stewardship with a spark of realism. So, for example, it doesn’t oppose growth but encourages compact development so that people can walk to parks and the like instead of driving everywhere. Less land and other resources are consumed in construction, and residents drive less, reducing what’s still the biggest source of man-made greenhouse gases: auto emissions.

The alliance’s latest major report, “Smart Infill: A practical guide to creating vibrant places throughout the Bay Area,” meets the group’s usual high standard. The primer has specific recommendations backed by examples from existing projects and neighborhoods — practical indeed.

Climate change is the latest reason for cities to embrace this kind of planning. New state legislation now encourages it. “Smart Infill” makes both the reasons and the strategies clear. Check it out at www.greenbelt.org.

This article was originally published by the Mercury News.

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