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Smart Growth in the Bay Area

A coalition of elected officials, environmentalists and developers is announcing its Grow Smart Bay Area initiative this week. We look at expected population growth in the Bay Area, and at how planners hope to accommodate that expansion while also protecting the environment.

“It’s quite exciting,” says Jeremy Madsen. “We have the opportunity to take communities where the best times appear to have passed and make them better places. It gives us the opportunity to create climate-friendly communities, and it gives us the opportunity to protect this amazing open space that is so much a part of the identity of our region.”

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Host: Michael Krasny

Guests: Jeremy Madsen, executive director of Greenbelt Alliance; Carl Anthony, founder of Earth House and co-author of the new book “Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis”; Ken Kirkey, planning director with the Association of Bay Area Governments; Will Fleissig, president of Communitas Development, Inc.


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