Picture of Victor Flores

Victor Flores

Yes on Measure FF in Berkeley for Resilient Infrastructure

A YES vote on Measure FF will ensure that Berkeley has sufficient funding to pave streets, improve bike and pedestrian infrastructure, and add green infrastructure.

Measure FF would create a special parcel tax that could raise $15 million annually for 14 years for the purposes of “street and sidewalk repair, repaving and reconstruction, pedestrian safety projects, traffic-calming measures on bicycle boulevards, and environmental infrastructure.”

At Greenbelt Alliance, we advocate for increased access to green public infrastructure to improve resilience in our communities. This measure will support Berkeley in making more investments that will encourage people to get out of their cars (helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions) while adding green infrastructure and adding native tree species. Learn more at www.yesonff.com

Why It Matters

It’s critical for voters to support this measure not only for the positive environmental and community benefits it can bring, but also because there is an opposing measure on this ballot that is designed to defeat Measure FF and confuse voters. The opposing measure presents itself as a “more affordable option” but it would only focus on paving streets rather than improving safety and greening measures. The difference in support is also a stark contrast.

Measure FF is an opportunity to create safer and greener streets in Berkeley. The measure is supported by most of the Berkeley City Council, bike advocates, environmentalists, and many unions. Let’s join them to vote Yes on Measure FF.

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