Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood
Picture of Noelani Fixler

Noelani Fixler

Greenbelt Alliance Endorsed: 3051 Edison Way

Greenbelt Alliance is excited to announce Novin Development Corporation’s 3051 Edison Way 70 unit 100% affordable housing development in Redwood City has been endorsed. This development will replace a surface parking lot, located 1.25 miles from Downtown Redwood City and 2 miles from Downtown Menlo Park, providing strongly needed affordable housing to the area. This project utilizes SB35, enabling the project to be CEQA exempt.

Social Benefits of 3051 Edison Way

This development will be 100% affordable housing for the community, while including additional benefits to further advance housing equity. Out of the 70 100% affordable units, all units will be built to ADA standards and 35 units will be set aside for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The development will provide very low income to workforce housing, at 30% to 80% above median income (AMI). These components create a truly equitable and inclusive development in an area typically not financially feasible to build affordable housing.

Transit Access for Sustainable Development

In addition to adding greatly needed affordable housing to Redwood City, 3051 Edison Way will align with Greenbelt Alliance’s climate SMART—Sustainable, Mixed, Affordable, Resilient, Transit-Oriented—development criteria in several ways. The development will promote alternative transportation by providing transit passes for residents and including approx. 29 secure bike parking spots. Located 1 mile from Redwood City Transit Center and ¼ mile from four high efficiency bus lines, this Transit-Oriented Development will result in reduced GHG emissions. Additionally, 3051 Edison Way is located ½ mile from schools, parks, a library, a senior center, and many industrial and tech job locations. Redwood City is in the process of proposing a multimodal transportation within a ¼ mile radius of the project site, as well as nearby bike and pedestrian safety upgrades.

According to GreenTRIP—a free online tool created by Transform that models traffic and greenhouse gas impacts of residential projects in California— 1431 Franklin Street will result in:

  • 1,409 fewer miles driven every day compared to the San Mateo County average.
  • 63% fewer GHG impacts every day compared to the San Mateo County average.
  • 50% less parking use every day compared to the San Mateo County average.
  • $900 in transportation savings for future residents.

Greenbelt Alliance is proud to support the 3051 Edison Way development, and look forward to the impact this project will have in providing equitable, sustainable housing in the Bay Area. Learn more about the development here.

Greenbelt Alliance’s Climate SMART—Sustainable, Mixed, Affordable, Resilient, Transit-Oriented— Development Endorsement Program goals call for fully protecting the Bay Area’s greenbelt, directing growth within existing communities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and accomplishing both in a way that equitably benefits all Bay Area residents. Our Endorsement Program supports projects that advance the right kind of development in the right places. By promoting climate SMART development, we can create thriving, resilient neighborhoods with ready access to transit and housing choices for all of the Bay Area’s people. Find out more about our Endorsement Program here. Feel free to contact our team for more information and support.

Header Photo: Redwood City 

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