Mike Bucci

Councilmember Mike Bucci has deep roots in Newark, growing up in the city and now serving a third-term on the City Council. Since he was first elected in 2014, Bucci has been a strong housing advocate and environmental champion for the city. Bucci’s commitment is evident in his efforts to promote renewable energy, energy-efficient building practices, and climate resilience. On the critical vote to approve the controversial Area 4 site in November 2019, he was the sole vote against the sprawl development on baylands. Bucci has advocated for more parks and amenities along Newark’s waterfront as a way to reconnect the city to the Bay. He has a strong personal connection with the Bay, as he loves boating and spending time on the water.

Bucci understands the pressing need to build housing while also protecting the shoreline and even describes housing as the thread that connects all of these issues together. One of his top priorities is building affordable housing to address the housing crisis in Newark. Bucci has seen the direct toll that inadequate housing supply has on the community—he’s seen friends, family, and colleagues move away in search of more affordable housing and shorter commutes. By providing affordable housing, Bucci hopes Newark can prevent displacement, strengthen community resilience, and mitigate the impact of high living costs on the city’s identity and resources.

Councilmember Bucci is excited to continue working to make Newark a more livable city by working at the intersection of the community and the city, describing himself as a vital buffer and communicator between constituents and city staff. He has described his tenure as councilmember as one of the greatest honors of his life, and given the great achievements Bucci has already been apart of, we’re excited to see what’s to come—from railroad quiet zones, to the NewPark mall redevelopment, and of course, advancement of climate resilience projects that expand recreational opportunities and protect our vital wetlands.

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