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Mercury News

Letter to the editor: Concerns over plans for area near station

Sept. 1, 2010

Letter to the editor: Concerns over plans for area near station

At a recent community meeting hosted by Greenbelt Alliance and the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, residents came together to voice concerns about plans being proposed for the Diridon Station area. They shared the same misgivings as Scott Herhold noted in his column (Page B1, Aug. 29): —‰’Downtown’ claim just a wet noodle.”

MarketCenter has more than 1,600 parking spaces — which is 65 percent of the total area of the development. Now the city is considering this style of “freeway oriented retail” within the Diridon Station area. The attendees at last week’s meeting were vocal in their desire for a station area that is vibrant as well as accessible to cyclists and pedestrians.

Carlos Babcock

Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition San Jose



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