Sunrise in the Bay Area, where the homeless population would benefit significantly from California Proposition 2
Picture of Greenbelt Alliance

Greenbelt Alliance

California Votes YES on Proposition 2

Update: We’re happy to report that Californians passed Proposition 2 in November 2018!

Greenbelt Alliance endorsed California Proposition  2, the No Place like Home Act of 2018, and urged all our supporters to vote YES on this important legislation in November. Prop. 2 authorizes $2 billion in bonds to build supportive housing for Californians living with a serious mental illness who are homeless or at great risk of becoming homeless.

The measure will leverage existing state funds, allowing resources from the Mental Health Services Act of 2004 to be spent on safe and secure housing. This holistic approach helps alleviate the housing affordability crisis and creates a healthcare environment where all of an individual’s needs, from treatment to housing, can be delivered efficiently and effectively.

Photo: Mike Oria via Flickr


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