Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Sonoma County Votes YES on Measure M—Parks for All!

Update: We’re excited that Measure M passed in the November 2018 election!

Greenbelt Alliance endorsed Sonoma County’s Parks for All Measure M, which provides a critical new source of funding for county and city parks.  The 1/8 cent sales will maintain parks, trails, and open spaces, help protect water quality, reduce future wildfire risk, and protect wildlife habitats and fisheries.

Measure M will generate about $11.5 million per year for 10 years, adding three cents to the cost of a $25 purchase. Two-thirds of the funds raised will go to county regional parks and one-third will go to the nine cities for neighborhood parks.

The Measure M funding will be spent restoring the lands and trails of parks such as Sonoma Valley Regional Park—where Greenbelt Alliance hosted a fire recovery walk earlier this year—and Hood Mountain Regional Park that were burned in the 2017 North Bay Fires.

Popular destinations including Helen Putnam and Shiloh Regional Parks will also receive funding for long overdue trail upgrades, as well as enhanced protection of oak woodlands and waterways.

New lands acquired for parks across the county will finally be readied for public access because Measure M passed. And every city will get a share to improve well-loved parks such as Howarth Park in Santa Rosa.

New leadership at Sonoma County Regional Parks over the past two years worked closely with the community and cities to develop Measure M. Director Bert Whitaker and Deputy Director Melanie Parker have done a tremendous job in a short time, and you can see their impact walking in the parks!

Photo: Nels Andereck

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