Deputy Director Matt Vander Sluis speaks to the Greenbelt Alliance Sonoma Leadership Council at the Sonoma Dinner
Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

The 2018 Annual Dinner of the Sonoma Leadership Council

The Sonoma Leadership Council of Greenbelt Alliance recently held its annual Sonoma Dinner at a private home in Glen Ellen. This event celebrates what we love about Sonoma County and the work Greenbelt Alliance is doing to protect its environment and support the right development in the right places.

Service starts at the Sonoma Leadership Council's annual dinner.

The Sonoma Dinner is our chance to thank our supporters, introduce new people to our mission, and spread the word about the important issues Greenbelt Alliance is currently working on in the area. The nearly 100 guests who attended the event raised a total over $50,000 to protect Sonoma’s greenbelt lands and promote good growth policies.

Guests at the Sonoma Leadership Council's annual dinner

Please reach out if you’d like to get involved in the council and join the excitement! Membership in the Sonoma Leadership Council is open to our supporters who donate $1,000 annually and are a Sonoma County resident or landowner. Contact Nora Cullinen at (415) 543-6771 x302 or email for more information.

Read more about our work in Sonoma County today, and see more photos from the evening here.

Photos: Bryson Silvestri

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