A new vision of a climate smart San Jose will be key to the region's future.
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Greenbelt Alliance

Climate Smart San Jose Plan

The San Jose City Council unanimously passed the Climate Smart San Jose Plan.

Thanks to a memo submitted by Mayor Sam Liccardo along with Councilmembers Jimenez, Peralez, Davis, and Rocha, the City has decided to start a Phase 2 analysis of the plan, which includes the Natural and Working Lands Analysis.

The analysis will focus on natural habitats and working farm and ranch lands, and how they will contribute to San Jose’s efforts to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. On top of this analysis, City staff also acknowledged how flooding issues can be mitigated—which is relevant to the work we are doing to protect Coyote Valley—and will prevent repeats of last year’s flooding of San Jose at Coyote Creek.

To move forward, the City needs to determine its financial contribution to Phase 2 of the Climate Smart Plan. We want to see the money fully committed and believe they will follow through.

Now the hard work of creating and implementing the Natural and Working Lands Analysis begins! Choosing to do the analysis shows us that San Jose is truly beginning to pivot on what land like Coyote Valley means to the region—a welcomed change as we work towards a more sustainable and inclusive Bay Area.

Photo: Ken Conley via Flickr

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