Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Novato Votes YES on Protecting Open Space and Halting Sprawl with Measure D

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure D passed in the November 2017 election!

To see what’s at risk, just walk or ride your bike along the green expanse of Bowman Canyon on the edge of the city of Novato’s urban growth boundary (UGB). Heading west on Novato Boulevard, houses end and the oak woodlands and rolling hills begin. Keep going and soon you reach Stafford Lake and farmland stretching for miles toward the coast. The UGB is doing its job.

To maintain this open space and keep sprawl at bay for the next generation, a team of open space advocates have launched the Yes on Measure D campaign in Novato. If passed by city voters, Measure D will renew Novato’s existing UGB for another 25 years. 

Our Regional Director Teri Shore has joined forces with Susan Stompe and Rick Fraites of Marin Conservation League and Max Perry and Chance Cutrano of Sierra Club’s Marin Group to form Citizens to Renew Novato’s Urban Growth Boundary–Yes on Measure D–2017. But they need your to help! Follow the campaign on Facebook to learn about ways you can support their efforts.  

Why Yes on Measure D?

First adopted by the voters with a 70% majority in 1997, the renewal measure is now even stronger to protect open space and prevent sprawl. A simple 51% majority is all that’s needed to pass Measure D.

Voting YES on Measure D will:

  • Protect Novato’s open space and rural lands
  • Protect the environment
  • Preserve Novato’s small town character
  • Promote economic vitality
  • Prevent sprawl
  • Cost taxpayers nothing

Renewing the UGB will protect open space and farmland, prevent sprawl, and encourage walkable, bike-friendly neighborhoods near downtown and the SMART line until the end of 2042. There is enough land within Novato to allow for reasonable growth and development for the next 25 years. 

Best of all, renewing the UGB will ensure that we’ll still be able to enjoy the oaks and rolling hills in Bowman Canyon as we head out to explore the countryside. 

All five city council members support Measure D along with a growing list of organizations and community leaders. See a full list of endorsements here


To learn more about Yes on Measure D, download the Fact Sheet here.

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