Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Windsor to Vote on Urban Growth Boundary

In the town of Windsor in northern Sonoma County, it is no surprise that recent polling found that 75% of its residents want to renew their urban growth boundary (UGB) before it expires at the end of 2017. Windsor voters passed their first UGB in November 1998 with a 72% majority.

Over the past 20 years, Windsor has made huge strides in smart planning and city-centered growth. Town leaders created a town square lined by floor-level shops with multi-family housing on top to create a walkable, people-friendly downtown next to the new SMART train station. If you’ve danced a summer night away or bought locally-grown tomatoes or homemade preserves on a Thursday night on the Town Green, you know that residents of Windsor love their downtown!

The Windsor Town Council needs to hear from us by June 5 to support the renewal of the UGB with a ballot measure in time for the November election. Greenbelt Alliance strongly supports the renewal of the UGB for 22 years as proposed.

We are in dialogue with the Town Council about the addition of 22 acres of farmland into the UGB. It is important to ensure no net loss of precious agricultural land. Provisions to do so can occur after the UGB is approved and a specific project proposed for the property, now owned by a local business that plans to expand.

You can help!

Please ask the Windsor Town Council to keep on track with smart growth by:

  1. Supporting renewal of the Windsor UGB for 22 years,
  2. Making commitments to achieve no net loss of farmland in the UGB, and
  3. Conducting a public hearing before the June 5 deadline to allow for public comments and the approval of the ballot measure on June 7.

Click here to get the City Council members’ emails and contact info.

Get the full details on the Town of Windsor UGB Expansion and Environmental Review here.

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