Picture of Joel Devalcourt

Joel Devalcourt

Antioch Community Comes Together to Fight Sprawl

Antioch is ready to choose a better future! Right now, the city is in the crosshairs of one of the largest sprawl development proposals in the entire Bay Area—the Sand Creek Focus Area. Thankfully, there is still time to protect some of the most spectacular hills and valleys in East Contra Costa.

On February 23, Greenbelt Alliance, community leaders, and our partner organizations put on a stunning community forum, with nearly 200 people in attendance. The overflowing crowd learned from a wealth of East Bay leaders who have experience defeating sprawl proposals and creating strong protections for vital natural and agricultural lands. One particularly inspiring story was from community member Kathy Griffin, whose success at turning the tide on sprawl in Brentwood is featured in our At Risk report. The forum also featured the photographic debut of Antioch champion Michael Amorosa, whose inspiring story is captured here.

As a direct result of the wildly successful community forum, the City of Antioch is finally listening! As a result, newly elected Mayor Pro Tem Lamar Thorpe has created “Listening Forums” to ensure residents have more opportunity to shape the future of their city. We are thankful to see this leadership from the Mayor Pro Tem, and we are excited to work with the inspiring residents of Antioch who are raising their voices to protect the unique charm of Sand Creek.

Our continued work in Antioch is critical in protecting some of the highest at risk lands in the entire Bay Area region from sprawl development.

For more information, contact Regional Representative Joel Devalcourt.

Photo: Michael Amorosa

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