Picture of Joel Devalcourt

Joel Devalcourt

Unanimous Vote Protects 430 Acres of Richmond Hills

On January 24th, the Richmond City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Richmond Hills Initiative—protecting 430 acres of hillside land in El Sobrante Valley from development.

Despite the land’s natural values and unstable soil, numerous proposals for large-scale development has persisted over the years. Local volunteers worked vigorously to create and advocate for the open space initiative to protect the land from these inappropriate proposals, and their efforts were rewarded in the recent vote. The initiative’s protections are now part of the Richmond General Plan and can only be changed by a vote of the people.

Greenbelt Alliance endorsed this initiative and is proud to see the community come together to protect Richmond’s open spaces from sprawl development.

See the Sierra Club’s recent blog post for more details.

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