Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Election 2016 Win: Milpitas Says Yes to Measure K

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure K passed in the November 2016 election!

This measure protects parks and open space by requiring a two-thirds public vote to re-zone these lands for industrial, commercial, or residential development.

The Milpitas City Council placed Measure K on the November 2016 ballot to complement Measure I and Measure Jtwo other smart ballot measures that, if passed by Milpitas voters, will protect important natural and agricultural lands. While Measures I and J focus on the foothills in the eastern portion of town, Measure K also safeguards important natural lands in other areas, including along the edge of the Bay.

The measure requires a majority vote to pass.

Greenbelt Alliance urges everyone in Milpitas to vote YES on Measure K.

Learn more about Measure K here

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