Picture of Joel Devalcourt

Joel Devalcourt

Election 2016 Win: Oakland Says YES to Measure KK

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure KK passed in the November 2016 election!

This measure would raise $600 million for street repair, affordable homes, and other essential community needs in the City of Oakland.

Measure KK is a $600 million bond to invest in Oakland’s infrastructure and housing affordability.

The measure dedicates $350 million to street rehabilitation to help solve the city’s major road repair deficit. Because of Oakland’s new “complete streets” policies these investments will improve conditions for everyone in Oakland, whether you’re walking, biking, taking transit, or driving.

It also provides $100 million for the acquisition and preservation of affordable homes, and the construction of new affordable homes. This investment is essential for addressing housing affordability and tackling the displacement crisis that’s hit Oakland particularly hard. By providing new homes that are affordable near jobs and transit, it will also relieve sprawl development pressure on the Bay Area’s natural and agricultural lands.

Lastly, the measure includes $150 million in funding to upgrade important community amenities such as parks, libraries, and fire stations.

Measure KK is vital to maintain healthy and vibrant communities for everyone in Oakland. It has strong support from civic, environmental, business, and labor organizations. The measure needs a 2/3 majority to pass.

Greenbelt Alliance urges everyone in Oakland to vote YES on Measure KK.

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